​Friends of Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge

Fishing on Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge
Fishing on the refuge is generally good all year round depending on coastal tides and flooding.
Please remember that all State of Louisiana fishing limits apply along with these refuge guidelines. Recreational fishing is permitted from legal sunrise until legal sunset on the refuge unless specifically stated. Commercial fishing is not allowed. The use of nets, traps or unattended lines (trot, jug, bush, etc.) is not allowed. Fishing is allowed from shore and from boats in open waterways (see boating regulations).
Fishing From Boats
Recreational boating is allowed in open waterways (canals and bayous) on the refuge. Boats with motors are not allowed on the interior waterways designated for non-motorized boats only. The Franklin Unit Canals (Hanson, Wood Duck, Black Bear and Alligator) will be open to boating for motorized boats between April 15-August 31. Please be aware and courteous to paddlers and kayakers using this. This unit is open to non-motorized boats all year. All State of Louisiana boating regulations apply including, but not limited to, running lights, registration, and personal floatation devices. Boating regulations are strictly enforced. Airboat use is not permitted on the refuge.
For additional information on the refuge visit www.fws.gov/bayouteche.
For information on State of Louisiana Fishing Regulations visit the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries web page at